Dear Toastmasters,
as announced last time at the meeting, elections of the new officer board for 2015/2016 are coming up soon. In order to not collide with our intercultural meeting on 02.06. I set the date for the elections to be on 16.06.2015.
Please save that date! Since only those members who are attending the meeting on 16.06 are eligble to vote. There will be no proxies. With five Tuesdays in June it gives the incumbent board the time to do the transfer to the new board e.g. on the 30th of June. And it also gives you – every member of Munich Toastmasters, regardless of how long you’ve been a member – the time to think if you would like to be a part of the officer team for the next Toastmaster Year. If so, what officer role would you want to take up and?
Here is a brief overview:
1. President: The President presides at meetings of the Club, has general supervision of the operations of the Club. Serves as one of the Club’s representatives on Area and District Councils.
2. VP-Education: Plans and directs club programs which meet the educational needs of the Club members. Plans and publishes regular schedules of meeting assignments. Keeps track of member’s progress towards goals.
3. VP-Membership: Plans and directs programs to retain and increase club membership.
4. VP-Public Relations: Develops and directs programs that inform individual members and the general public about Toastmasters International and about Club activities.
5. Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for Club financial policies, procedures and controls. Collects dues and pays dues to Toastmasters International, and maintains records. Makes financial reports to the Club at least quarterly. Receives and disburses, with approval of the Club, all Club funds.
6. Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for Club records and correspondence. Maintains the club roster.
7. Sergeant at Arms: Prepares meeting room for meeting. Maintains Club property, including banner, nametags, and supplies. Greets visitors. Chairs Social and Reception Committees.
I guess the most important role is the Sergeant at Arms. He usually has to be available at every meeting. Why? – Because the Sergeant at Arms is the person who has the key to the venue of Bay. Krebsgesellschaft. Without a SAA – no meetings or meetings in the open:))
Please tell me by mail or phone call what role you would like to be enganged in. The amount of candidates to one and the same officer roles will decide on how to vote on the election day – either by raising hands (in case there is just one candidate) or by collection of written votes as we do it at Table Topics (in case of several candidates to one officer role).
Sign up as a candidate! To work in a team for the benifit of our club is a great chance to grow personally – especially concerning your leadership skills. It is much fun and boosts your Competent Communicator as well as your Competent Leadership advances!
In case of any questions to the specific roles – don’t hesitate to call me or write me an e-mail.
Best regards, Paul.