Last Tuesday we truly had an exciting meeting! Only one speech -as I had to cancel mine due to a burden with a tooth which didn’t allow facial expression without pain- but 5 guests! We did not have a single guest during many past meetings which was a real usual situation so that we were very pleased. Sebastian, our table topic master did not miss any opportunity to make our guests talk in front of the audience and in the end, Peter, our guest from England, was table topic winner of the evening with the description of his hilarious movie DINOSAURS IN SPACE. Inspired, Peter signed up immediately for membership. Welcome Peter!!
I also don’t want to miss to share some highlights of past meetings.
On Jan. 19th, Burt bravely jumped in as speaker. And I, being the table topics master that night, called him accidently up on stage. Not nice. Never call up a speaker for table topics! Burt delivered an inspiring speech, as always, about failure.
Here are some inspiring quotes from his speech:
~”There is nothing neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.”
~”There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.”
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
~”Life is, but thinking makes it so.”
~William Shakespeare
So don’t be afraid of failure! Greatest success often comes after greatest failure in life. Thanks Burt!
On Feb.2nd, our long time member Alfred delivered to our surprise his very last speech right before his 75th birthday. After 14 years of Toastmaster and around 70 speeches, 2 educationals, ATMB and ATMS rewards, he thought it is time to “let it go”. Although we do not agree that a 75th birthday means automatically termination of Toastmaster membership we respect Alfred’s decision to let it go and wish him lots of happiness for the time to come. Christopher was so kind as to give Alfred a good-bye gift from our club at the Ceterum Censeo meeting. As Alfred invited us during summer often to a Barbecue party we gave him some Barbecue goodies to enjoy during the next season.
After all, I must admit that not many members have showed up at the meetings during the past winter months. Was it to cold for them to leave the house?? We still had great and fun meetings but I wish for some more activity and enthusiam from you.
As our past president Petra rightly said: Only together we are strong.