An Evening of Antiquity

The lessons and tools of great speaking have been around since early antiquity. Plato’s Apology of Socrates and Cicero’s “Retorica ad Herennium” are packed full of the elements of good speaking that we as Toastmasters strive to practice at every meeting.

What better way to celebrate the spirit of these ancient times then by conducting one of our own meetings at Munich’s most famous tribute to antiquity – the Antikensammlung on Königsplatz.

antiquitiesYes, on Tuesday, September 13th, at 19:00 hours we will hold an outdoor meeting right on the steps of this handsome structure (10 minute walk from our usual meeting place); conjuring up some of the atmosphere of ancient Greece and Rome when citizens sat on similar stone steps to listen to the words of history’s first masters of speech.

Come join us for a very special evening!!

In case of rain please consult our website for up-to-date information and/or Damian on +49(0)176 4553 5200

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Impressions of our Evening on 2nd August 2016

Impressions Munich Toastmasters Evening August 2016-2

Today I want to give short review of our Toastmaster evening on Tuesday, 2nd August 2016. It is summer in Munich and some of our members are on vacation. But still we managed to have a fantastic – even inspiring – evening and had all Toastmaster roles filled: Continue reading

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Rescheduled Officer Training

The officer training from 23 July 2016 which had been rescheduled because of the attack at OEZ will now take place:

For any further questions please contact our Area Director Kumar Barua.

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