District Treasurers: Does World Headquarters Have Your Q1 Report?
The Quarter One Treasurer’s Report was due to World Headquarters October 31. If you haven’t submitted your report, please do so as soon as possible. For assistance, please contactdistrictfinancialreports@toastmasters.org.
Area Governors: Report on Your Club Visits
To meet one of the qualifying requirements of the Distinguished Area Program, area governors must submit an Area Governor’s Club Visit Report for at least 75 percent of the clubs in their area for first-round visits by November 30. When these reports are submitted online through District Central, a copy of the completed document will automatically be sent to the district governor, lieutenant governors, division governor, area governor and president of the club visited.
Attention LGETs: Deadline for Club Officer Training Report
For clubs to receive credit toward their training goal in the Distinguished Club Program, lieutenant governors education and training must record first-round training online. Any additions or changes to the June-through-August training reports must be submitted through District Central byNovember 30.
District Budget Amendments Due by December 1
If your district budget requires adjustments as a result of your 2014-2015 district council meeting, please email amendments to districtfinancialreports@toastmasters.org by December 1.
Early Call for December Orders and Requests for Funds
Please be aware of the early cut-off date in December for district orders and requests for district reserve funds. They will be fulfilled in December if received by 11:59 p.m. December 21 (Pacific Standard Time). After this time, online orders will not be accepted until January 2. Faxed, mailed or emailed orders placed after this time will be processed and shipped on or after January 2. Requests for funds received after this date will also be paid in January.
DGs and LGs: Get Ready for Mid-year Training
In January, Mid-year Training will be conducted in seven locations around the world. This training complements the District Leader Training held in August. District governors and lieutenant governors will evaluate their progress, make adjustments and build on skills that are required to have a successful year. For dates and locations, please visit the Mid-year Training webpage. Travel information will be emailed to district leaders soon.
Tips for the District Leadership Committee (Nominating Committee)
By now your district has appointed its committee for upcoming elections during the second conference. The chair has the important role of guiding the committee as it identifies the district’s future leaders. You can find valuable resources for navigating the nominating process on theDistrict leadership Committee webpage.
It’s Never Too Early for Alignment Planning
District governors: Please begin thinking about club alignment for the 2015-2016 program year. Ask your alignment committee to review the information on the alignment webpage, and then provide the committee with a current club directory.
Expecting a Visit from Your Region Advisor?
District visits provide an opportunity for region advisors and district leaders to work together to expand the districts’ capacity to grow clubs and membership. To make the most of the visit, review the Region Advisor District Visits webpage. |